Unity is so important in the Body of Christ. As we Christians work together in harmony, the Lord is glorified and our testimony is strengthened. As we each use our gifts, skills, and abilities, the results are beautiful!

In February, the missionaries pulled together and held the dedication for Taylor Community Center. We even had the blessing of having 5 people from our WGM Headquarters in Indiana travel down to help us out and celebrate wtih us!

It was a team effort and we had many committees leading up the event to help with preparations. The food committee did a phenomenal job of planning the menu, buying the groceries, and preparing the spaghetti dinner that was served to 120 guests!

The decorating committee planned, shopped, and transformed the TCC gym into a beautiful banquet facility!

Everyone worked hard, using their gifts, to make the evening special for all our guests.

Many wore several "hats," pitching in wherever needed, giving selflessly when a need arose. . . even if it was for another committee!

It took everyone. Some gave by building a stage. Some gave by donating sound equipment. Some contributed by setting up tables, chairs, and multimedia for the presentation. Everyone pitched in and gave of themselves to see Christ lifted up!

What a joy it was to see Helen Moon honored for her and her late husband's contribution to seeing TCC finished.

What a challenge to hear retired WGM missionary Tim Hawk encourage us to invest in eternity.

What an inspiration it was to praise God through special music.

My prayer for the evening was the God would be glorified and that everyone would feel His love as we served them and worshiped together.

I believe the Lord honored our united spirit and answered abundantly! Praise the Lord for His goodness!